The National Adult Protective Services Association reports that 1 in 9 seniors have been abused, neglected or financially exploited in the past 12 months but the majority of cases are never reported. In order to prevent our aging population from being taken advantage of, we must utilize the social services designed protect the elderly. Adult Protective Services (APS) help vulnerable senior citizens who have no one to assist them.
Adult Protective Services are available for those over the age of 60 who are unable to protect themselves against abuse, neglect or exploitation. Here is a deeper look at what danger of harm a senior must be experiencing in order to receive services.
Neglect – Failure to provide the goods or services necessary for the adult’s own safety and well-being. This could be a result of a caregiver or adult’s own failure.
Abuse – Abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual. Physical abuse is an intentional use of physical force that results in pain, injury or impairment. Emotional abuse is any action intending to threaten, humiliate, intimidate or otherwise cause psychological injury, and includes violating an adult’s loss of privacy and ability to make his or her own decisions. Sexual abuse is any unwanted, nonconsensual sexual contact, and includes rape, coerced nudity, exhibitionism as well as other sexual situations that may not involve touching.
Exploitation – The unlawful or improper use of someone’s resources for monetary or personal benefit, profit or gain. This most often includes taking the victim’s money without his or her consent.
In the state of Ohio, Adult Protective Services are operated by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. If you believe a loved one is in danger of harm, it’s important to contact your local county department of job and family services. Bryan B. Johnson is an attorney serving the state of Ohio with experience in Adult Protective Services. If you or a family member are a senior citizen or person with disability in need of legal advice, feel free to call Bryan B. Johnson Attorney At Law at 614-457-3272.